In today's day and age we lack a healthy exchange of ideas. It's just ideologues battling back and forth over feelings and emotions towards things beyond their control. I wanted to start putting my ideas out there to keep them from cluttering my head and maybe stir-up a unique conversation with somebody. I figured the internet has plenty of people. Dangerous game I'm playing...

Though I have enough thoughts to last me a lifetime, It's always nice to hear what others think about. Feel free to leave some ideas here to spark a thought.

Give Me a Rabbit Hold to Go Down

Interesting topics only.

YOU DON'T DRINK ENOUGH WATER nutrition science tips and tricks

Stay hydrated they say. "You're probably just dehydrated." We toss these words around left and right, but how does one hydration? What is Hydration? A question that I am willing to bet many would...

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HOW TO WRITE YOUR OWN WORKOUTS habits personal development science tips and tricks

Like nutrition, working out is very tricky thing. Well, it is but it isn't. You can complicate it to a point of no return, or you could simplify it to a point that yields no sort of progression...

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BETA-ALANINE & THE SCIENCE nutrition science supplements

Ah, beta-alanine. Some hate it, some love it. But all we want to know is, why is it in my pre-workout in the first place? Great question. Let's explore starting with what beta-alanine is.



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I believe one of the biggest impediments to proper nutrition is the lack of understanding of basic nutrition principles. When I say basic, I don't mean being to tell me that glycogen is branched...

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99.99% of people look at nutrition all wrong. Nutrition is less about what you eat, and more about when you eat how much of what.

"Healthy", "Natural," "Gluten-free," "Keto"—marketing and...

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THE MISUNDERSTOOD BEVERAGE: MILK nutrition science tips and tricks

The greatest drink of all time. But Bonde, "we're the only species to drink the milk of another animal, so we shouldn't do it." Can anybody spot the logical fallacy at play here? If you said hasty...

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GLUTEN IS KILLING YOU nutrition science tips and tricks

Let's talk Gluten. This word makes me laugh at this point given it strikes fear into the hearts of hypochondriacs. You know something has lost merit when it's predominate use is in marketing. I...

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HOW TO FIGURE OUT HOW MUCH TO EAT... ACCURATELY nutrition science tips and tricks

Well, if you couldn't tell I'm on a bit of a philosophy stint at the moment, however, my Practical Guide to Nutrition is launching soon so I figured I would throw some nutrition science back in the...

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THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD OF LIFE personal development philosophy science

"We tip toe through life to arrive safely at death."

You're born. You school. You career. You Family. You retire. You die. That's pretty much the recipe, right? How crazy is it that as complex...

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BCAAs & THE SCIENCE nutrition science supplements

A name recognized across the entire fitness industry: The branched chain amino acids, or, BCAA's. This supplement is known to have a key role in protein synthesis. Pre-workout, intra-workout,...

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CREATINE & THE SCIENCE nutrition science supplements

The $400,000,000 supplement. Creatine, not to be confused with Korean Teen, is one of the world's most widely researched and consumed supplements. It's a non-ubiquitous (not present...

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Artificial sweeteners. The name alone is enough to make some people worry. These compounds, also referred to as sugar substitutes, were introduced in the 1950s as alternatives to...

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