In today's day and age we lack a healthy exchange of ideas. It's just ideologues battling back and forth over feelings and emotions towards things beyond their control. I wanted to start putting my ideas out there to keep them from cluttering my head and maybe stir-up a unique conversation with somebody. I figured the internet has plenty of people. Dangerous game I'm playing...

Though I have enough thoughts to last me a lifetime, It's always nice to hear what others think about. Feel free to leave some ideas here to spark a thought.

Give Me a Rabbit Hold to Go Down

Interesting topics only.

YOU DON'T DISLIKE READING, YOU DISLIKE WHAT YOU'RE READING habits personal development philosophy

I've grown very fond of reading over the past few years. I use to be one of those people who claimed to hate reading thinking it's boring, it puts me to sleep, it's inconvenient, etc. It wasn't...

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HOW TO WRITE YOUR OWN WORKOUTS habits personal development science tips and tricks

Like nutrition, working out is very tricky thing. Well, it is but it isn't. You can complicate it to a point of no return, or you could simplify it to a point that yields no sort of progression...

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WHY DO I WRITE? habits personal development philosophy

So I stopped and asked myself why I have been writing these writings and I didn't have a great answer... But then I sat and thought about it for a while and ended up having a very interesting...

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NUTRITION AS A HABIT habits nutrition science

Nutrition is the one science that even some of the most well decorated academics won't touch. There seems to be a huge gap in the science and the application—leaving you to feel like...

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