


habits personal development philosophy

So I stopped and asked myself why I have been writing these writings and I didn't have a great answer... But then I sat and thought about it for a while and ended up having a very interesting conversation with myself that I think would resonate with what I have now read to be termed "Second Renaissance" thinkers.

I have no idea who reads these writings, and frankly, I do not care. That says nothing negative about those who read them. I greatly appreciate you for reading this, you're awesome, and I mean that. But, my reason for writing these thoughts down out on paper was/is not to have as many people as possible see it.  I've learned so much from being somebody who, instead of over-analyzing, just says "eh, I'll figure it out", and tries it. And I believe that's the best path to the most universal success, which would I would define as being self-aware, well-educated, and financially  free. I don't know anybody who would look at those as bad things. I use the term 'financially free' here meaning free from financial restraints that would otherwise bar you from being able to do what it is that you want to do. This is super general, but one of the greatest limiting factors is money (largely based on desires). So in a world where we face many barriers: physical, mental, financial, etc. financial freedom is achieving a world where finance is not one of them. But I'll circle back to that topic at a different time. The other two: being self-aware and well-educated, I've learned, to put it simply, are found in reading and writing. Reading new ideas make you reflect on your own. Trying to write things down forces you to learn how to articulate your thoughts.

I like to write because it interests me. It's challenging. It forces me to challenge my own ideas and I thoroughly enjoy that. It forces me to be more transparent, more vulnerable as I share my inner thoughts online with strangers. So again begs the question, why? Well, through this rather drawn out, reflective thought exercise I realized I want people to know how little I knew about getting where I am today and that I stacked failures on top of failures to be in my current position which is that of an entrepreneur in the realm of health & wellness. I sold my car and started a little gym that now after three years has over 400 athletes come through it each week. This is not my success story, this is my "I still don't know anything" confession.

I'm a fairly mentally tough individually. I can tolerate a great deal of stress thanks to my learned ability to find the lessons that lie within stressful events. What's cool about that, is that I can then turn around and teach others those lessons without them having to go through the same mental and physical struggles. Or at least if they still do, they'll have the knowledge of what to expect and some tools to use to combat it. By helping even one individual in a writing, video, story post, etc. it was, beyond teaching me about myself, well worth sharing. I share what I know because I've lived it, learned it, or am curious to know more about it. I feel that people get too caught up in the polished look and curb appeal on social media. It's such a phenomenal tool if people would just boil it down and use it for what it is: a social network. It doesn't have to be HD or filtered, or perfectly edited, not if you're just looking to connect with individuals.

So, thank you for being here. Plenty more things to think about, write about, and discuss.

Stay curious.

~ Bonde




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