


business personal development philosophy

I wanted to share my thoughts on what a true leader is based on my experience—I will come back to this and update it as time goes on. A great leader is somebody who knows who they are. They are humble, slow to talk and quick to listen. Leaders put others ahead of themselves when it is warranted. They take responsibility for happenings, good or bad. A leader has intuition that is very difficult to teach.They have a high social IQ. They are empathetic, but are in control of their empathy. They make conscious decisions. They are in control of their emotions. They make decisions using rationale, reason, and empirical data, and look through the lens of all parties involved. A leader is not afraid to sacrifice. They are driven by a goal and focus on results. They keep a positive mindset and never stress about the little things. They are focused on the big picture and know that small bumps along the way are par for the course. They have no need to share their opinions and understand that we have a right to hold no opinion. They believe in pushing individuals to operate autonomously because this not only creates a great individual in their specific field, but a more productive member of society. A good leader encourages people to learn about themselves.

Leaders explore new ideas with an open mind. They understand that success lies in creating value for all parties. A good leader doesn’t cast judgement on others. They are forward and transparent. They do not shy away from having difficult conversations, but they also know when to have them and when not too. Good leaders have a wholistic approach to life. They lead by example in all areas—career, leisure, food, exercise, sleep, relationships. They enjoy learning and take every opportunity to do so. They are skeptical and ask questions. They don’t shy away from uncomfortable situations.

True leaders are rare and hard to come by. The more of these characteristics you hold, the better. Live each day as your biggest fan and your biggest critic. No self reflection leaves you stuck in a vicious cycle of conformity to your current self and all your tendencies. People need leaders in there life, but a forced leader is not a good one. Rarely are they the loudest in the room, if ever. Learning to function in this capacity is one of the most self-less things you can do.

I have only come across a handful of true leaders in my life.


My definition of a good leader is somebody who is:

  • Self-aware
  • Autonomous
  • Objective
  • Proactive
  • Curious
  • Skeptical
  • Quick to accept responsibility
  • Always leading by example in all areas
  • Empathetic but not to a fault
  • Able to learn from failure

Leaders implement measures to prevent individuals from letting their ignorance or irrationality prevail.

A leader embodies these characteristics and traits ALWAYS. It isn't something you turn on and off. Don't talk about being a good leader, just be one.

~ Bonde


I take a lot of time to make sure they're good. I promise.Ā 

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