


personal development philosophy

I like to think of people as having two types of beings that reside internally. One is rational and logical. The other is irrational and emotional. The latter being is the most predominant. Emotions are strong feelings that can often take charge due to their high-stimulus nature.

The feelings the emotional being illicit are far more prevalent than that of the logical and rational thoughts/feelings. We don't need to stop feeling our feelings, rather, we need to acknowledge that both of these "beings" exist. They exist separate from who we are. For example, you don't say "I am hand"—you say I am [insert name here]. You aren't your hand or any part of your body for that matter. It's your body. It's different from who you are. You are a conscious mind, your body is just the vehicle in which you use to navigate the physical world.

So, just like you are not your hand or any other body part, you are not your emotions. Instead of adopting your feelings/emotions as who you are and losing control of them—learn to co-exist with them. Acknowledge them, but acknowledge that they're not YOU. When we let our feelings and emotions overpower us (when we fail to dissociate them from our person) they operate us like a puppeteer. This ends well for nobody.

It's easy to spot individuals who orient themselves in this fashion. I've found that they can be difficult to have conversations with in that you can pick up on the sensitivity. Everything is taken personally because the second an emotion is elicited, they adopt it. This can make it difficult to be honest with people because it's likely they'll react emotionally and lose sight of the purpose of the conversation. Now, you can't control whether people react logically or emotionally regardless of how innocuous the topic of conversation might be, so what can you do? First, always tell the truth. If somebody wants to be emotional that's their choice—it doesn't change reality. Second, I make it a point to not react emotionally so that people feel they can be transparent when speaking with me without opening the pandora's box of human emotion. If you want to be somebody people tell the truth to, understand this. Being in control of your emotions and being able to focus on the topic/discussion at hand is what makes one 'easy to talk to.' 

This is a rare person to find. Be that person for those around you.

~ Bonde


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