Expansive Network of Like-Minded Individuals

You're not alone. Life is confusing and it never really gets less confusing—you just become less ignorant overtime through experience and education.

You know when you meet somebody for the first time and find that you share a lot of the same outlook on things? Though I don't believe in creating siloed echo-chambers, it's nice to have a place to go that's an environment of like-minded individuals to find motivation and inspiration to stimulate growth. That's what I hope to create here.

Social media is a great tool but is often burdensome and distracting. I want an ad free space where conversations are relevant, well-thought out, and productive. So, let's build a network together. I receive tons of questions on business related items, coffee, fitness, nutrition, etc. If one person asks, I know many have the same question. So I figured why not share my thoughts where everyone can see.

Candidly, this helps support my writing so I may dedicate more time to it. I have a passion for writing and sharing experiences/what knowledge I have on the things I've done. This $1/month will help allow me to dedicate more time to building this community through writing and connecting.